Week Ending 12/30/06
Loads Delivered: 1
Total Miles: 1054
* Loaded: 851
* Empty: 203
Gross Pay: $411.06
* Mileage Pay: $411.06
* Accessorial:
Hours Logged: 30.25
* Driving: 23.25
* On-Duty: 7
$/Hour $13.59
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 11.25
* @ Customer: 2.25
* In Laurinburg: 8.5
* Waiting Assignment: 0.5
All Hours: 41.5
Actual $/Hour: $9.91
Deadhead: Roanoke, VA Thursday, December 20, 2007
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Thursday, December 21, 2006
Consignee: Warrenton, MO Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Commodity: glass
Arrived in LRBG on the 20th at 2:00 PM. Work Assignment said load would be ready 12/21 between 15:30 - 11:00. Since loads had never been ready early, I went to Walmart to pick up last minute Christmas items, and didn't check on load until the morning of the 21st. It had actually been ready the afternoon before. Either the wrong date was given on the work assignment, or no one bothered to tell me it was ready early. Spent 20 hours in LRBG for a load that could have been pulled out the moment I arrived.
Only 36.75 hours logged before going home for holiday.
Arrive LRBG: Wednesday, December 20, 2:00 PM
Leave LRBG: Thursday, December 21, 2006, 10:00 AM
Hours LRBG: 20.0
Arrive Home: Thursday, December 21, 2006, 6:30 PM
Leave Home: Tuesday, December 26, 2006, 5:00 AM
Hours Home: 107.00
Days Home: 4.46
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Week 20 - Christmas
Posted by
7:07 AM
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Week 19 – The Holiday Spirit
Week Ending 12/23/06
Loads Delivered: 2
Total Miles: 1203
* Loaded: 572
* Empty: 631
Gross Pay: $469.17
* Mileage Pay: $469.17
* Accessorial:
Hours Logged: 34
* Driving: 26.75
* On-Duty: 7.25
$/Hour $13.80
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 10
* @ Customer: 1.5
* In Laurinburg: 8.5
* Waiting Assignment:
All Hours: 44
Actual $/Hour: $10.66
Load #1:
Deadhead: Charlotte, NC Thursday, December 14, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Friday, December 15, 2006
Consignee: Indianapolis, IN Monday, December 18, 2006
Commodity: Glass
On 12/13 a macro had been sent advising all drivers to pick up snow chains in LRBG. Since I had already inquired there long before the macro came out, I placed a call to Brett (Safety Manager), who told me I should be able to find them in LRBG. Asked again at shop, this time found someone who knew where they were kept.
Was in LRBG over 20 hours, waiting for assignment. First load offered had an open window of pickup in LRBG anywhere from 15:30 (same day) until 7:00 the next morning, with a delivery in Cuyahoga Falls, OH 12/18 at 7:00 am. My experience with LRBG is that they push the load until the last possible minute. If I had to wait until the next morning, there would not have been time to go through home. I had already been out 10 days and taken one reset away from home. I asked if delivery could be changed to 12/19 to accommodate time at home. Instead load was pulled. The next load assignment I received had a closer delivery point, and later schedule, but I had to wait in LRBG until the next day to pick up load - arriving at home 11:00 EST.
During long wait, checked again on repairs to truck. LRBG still did not have parts.
Since I had taken Reset on Tuesday, only 33.75 hours logged when I arrived home for this Reset.
Arrive LRBG: Thursday, December 14, 2006, 5:45 PM
Leave LRBG: Friday, December 15, 2006, 2:30 PM
Hours LRBG: 20.75
Arrive Home: Friday, December 15, 2006, 11:00 PM
Leave Home: Monday, December 18, 2006, 8:30 AM
Hours Home: 59.50
Days Home: 2.48
Load #2:
Relay: Harvey, IL Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Consignee: Roanoke, VA Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Commodity: railroad machinery
Uneventful trip. Deadhead to LRBG after unload in Roanoke.
Posted by
7:03 AM
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Week 18 - The Cost of Fuel in Canada
Week Ending 12/16/06
Loads Delivered: 2
Total Miles: 1595
* Loaded: 1396
* Empty: 199
Gross Pay: $662.05
* Mileage Pay: $622.05
* Accessorial: $40.00
Hours Logged: 46
* Driving: 36.75
* On-Duty: 9.25
$/Hour $14.39
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 2
* @ Customer: 2
* In Laurinburg:
* Waiting Assignment:
All Hours: 48
Actual $/Hour: $13.79
Load #1
Deadhead: Riviere du Loup, QC Friday, December 08, 2006
Shipper: Riviere du Loup, QC Friday, December 08, 2006
Consignee: Bedford, PA Monday, December 11, 2006
Commodity: Peat Moss
This was my first trip into Quebec. I fueled in Albany before heading in, but did not have enough fuel to get out. I was issued a ComData check, but couldn't find a place in Quebec that would take it. I lost several hours, stopping to inquire about acceptance of ComData checks, and the language barrier only slowed down the process. Since I didn’t relish the idea of being out of fuel in Canada, at night, with -15 degree temperatures, in a snow storm, I finally paid for the fuel myself - $360.
Load #2
Deadhead: Bedford, PA Monday, December 11, 2006
Shipper: Towanda, PA Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Consignee: charlotte, NC Thursday, December 14, 2006
Commodity: fiberboard
Uneventful load.
After dropping load in Bedford, I took reset in Breezewood, PA with 67.75 HOS logged.
Posted by
6:59 AM
Saturday, December 9, 2006
Week 17 - The Search for Snow Chains
Week Ending 12/9/06
Loads Delivered: 1
Total Miles: 1779
* Loaded: 1162
* Empty: 617
Gross Pay: $733.81
* Mileage Pay: $693.81
* Accessorial: $40.00
Hours Logged: 49.5
* Driving: 36.25
* On-Duty: 13.25
$/Hour $14.82
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 5
* @ Customer: 2.75
* In Laurinburg:
* Waiting Assignment: 2.25
All Hours: 54.5
Actual $/Hour: $13.46
Deadhead: Milford, OH Saturday, December 02, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Consignee: Riviere du Loup, QC Friday, December 08, 2006
Commodity: Glass
While in Laurinburg, I asked about snow chains, since I was heading into Canada, and bad weather was predicted. Was told they didn't have any. I looked anyway, and finally found these:
I stopped at the Maverick terminal in Jarrett, VA, and they had no snow chains either. Shirley told me to pick up at truck stop and I would be reimbursed, but couldn't find a truck stop that carried snow chains for the super single tires.
The Jarrett mechanics expressed their surprise that I would be allowed to drive my truck with the bumper missing. Note it has now been a month since my first request for repairs, and I am still driving with tape holding on the turn signal and left third of bumper missing.
Posted by
6:05 AM
Saturday, December 2, 2006
Week 16 – The Snowball Effect
Week Ending 12/2/06
Loads Delivered: 2
Total Miles: 1736
* Loaded: 1175
* Empty: 561
Gross Pay: $917.04
* Mileage Pay: $677.04
* Accessorial: $240.00
Hours Logged: 56.75
* Driving: 42.25
* On-Duty: 14.5
$/Hour $16.16
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 20
* @ Customer: 10
* In Laurinburg: 10
* Waiting Assignment:
All Hours: 76.75
Actual $/Hour: $11.95
Load #1
Deadhead: Church Hill, TN Monday, November 27, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Consignee: bridgeport, NJ Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Commodity: glass
This load was 6 hours late out of Laurinburg and started a snowball effect continuing with late deliveries through the week.
Again, while in Laurinburg and waiting on load, asked about repairs to truck. Told parts were still on order. (There is a Freightliner dealer in Charlotte 90 miles away).
I waited 5 hours for unload at Consignee. Sent Extended new ETA at next shipper.
Load #2
Deadhead: bridgeport, NJ Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Shipper: Mt Holly Springs, PA Thursday, November 30, 2006
Consignee: Milford, OH Friday, December 01, 2006
Commodity: glass
When I arrived at Mt. Holly Springs, they had not received notice that ETA had changed. As a result, I had to wait 15 hours before they could load me. I took 10 hours in sleeper berth and was at Consignee a total of 18 hours. On 11/30, I received instructions to Deadhead home after delivery in Milford. However, after I sent in Empty macro, I received a macro from Extended that I would be “left on ice” overnight since they had no loads. Why did they not have a record that I was given a deadhead home?
I made delivery in Ohio, and had logged 50.75 hours by the time I reached home. Since freight was slow, I had 3 days at home before I received load assignment.
Arrive Home: Saturday, December 02, 2006, 7:00 AM
Leave Home: Tuesday, December 05, 2006, 6:30 AM
Hours Home: 71.50
Days Home: 2.98
Posted by
6:01 AM
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Week 15 - Thanksgiving
Planned OG’s surgery as close to Thanksgiving Week as possible, so not as much work would be missed. No loads delivered this week.
Posted by
4:02 AM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Week 14 - The Reset
Week Ending 11/18/06
Loads Delivered: 3
Total Miles: 1638
* Loaded: 1274
* Empty: 364
Gross Pay: $704.52
* Mileage Pay: $638.82
* Accessorial: $65.70
Hours Logged: 44.75
* Driving: 33.25
* On-Duty: 11.5
$/Hour $15.74
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 1.75
* @ Customer:
* In Laurinburg:
* Waiting Assignment: 1.75
All Hours: 46.5
Actual $/Hour: $15.15
Load 1:
Deadhead: Etobicoke, ON Thursday, November 09, 2006
Shipper: windsor, ON Thursday, November 09, 2006
MultiLoad: mcgregor, ON Thursday, November 09, 2006
Consignee: Relay to Ottawa, IL Saturday, November 11, 2006
Commodity: lumber
While I was in Monroe, on my 34-hour reset, Shirley was off and Dave and Lamar changed the Waterloo delivery to a Relay in Ottawa, IL. Then, between the 2 of them I was sent over 40 Macros through the course of the day. In those 40+ macros, I was sent 4 work assignments, that all required me to leave that day, and none that I could deliver and be home by the 15th for OG’s surgery. Every time, I sent back a message stating that I could nothing, as I was on my 34-reset, and reminding that I needed to be home by the 15th.
The macros started with Lamar at 8:55 in the morning, and didn't quit until 5:02 that evening, when I finally called and requested a supervisor on Extended Shift to find out what part of "I'm on my 34-reset until 7:30 tomorrow morning" does Maverick not understand? He read back through the macros, and finally got me a load that would allow me to finish my 34-reset, make pickup and delivery, and still be home by the 15th.
Load 2:
Shipper: Ottawa, IL Saturday, November 11, 2006
Consignee: Youngsville, NC Sunday, November 12, 2006
Commodity: Glass
Load 3:
Deadhead: Youngsville, NC Monday, November 13, 2006
Shipper: Relay - Laurinburg, NC Monday, November 13, 2006
Consignee: sanford, nc Monday, November 13, 2006
Commodity: steel bars
I could still run 3 days, but was given short run, since no loads were available that would get me home by 15th for OG’s surgery on the 16th. Waited in LRBG until morning of the 14th, when I was sent home.
While in Laurinburg, took truck through shop to see about repairing bumper. Was told they would have to order parts.
HOS Logged: 45.75.
Arrive LRBG: Monday, November 13, 2006 7:00 PM
Leave LRBG: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:30 AM
Hours LRBG: 14.5
Arrive Home: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 7:00 PM
Leave Home: Monday, November 27, 2006 8:15 AM
Days Home: 12 – OG’s Surgery and Thanksgiving.
Posted by
3:51 AM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Week 13 - The Lucky 13
Week Ending 11/11/06
Loads Delivered: 2
Total Miles: 3026
* Loaded: 2553
* Empty: 473
Gross Pay: $1,215.14
* Mileage Pay: $1,180.14
* Accessorial: $35.00
Hours Logged: 76.5
* Driving: 58.25
* On-Duty: 18.25
$/Hour $15.88
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 0
* @ Customer:
* In Laurinburg:
* Waiting Assignment:
All Hours: 76.5
Actual $/Hour: $15.88
Load #1
Deadhead: LA, CA Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Shipper: Newman, CA Friday, November 03, 2006
MultiLoad: Laurens, IA Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Consignee: delhi, IA Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Commodity: casting
While on 34-reset in California, had yet another hit and run. I was sleeping and at first thought it was an earthquake. By the time I got out of the truck, the other driver had left. It did not leave the truck undrivable, but missing the front driver side section of the bumper. Remember this, when you see how many times, I took it to Laurinburg, and kept getting told "parts on order" – it was finally repaired on January 19th.
Other than a change in delivery, trip was uneventful, and I again enjoyed the long drive.
Load #2
Deadhead: delhi, IA Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Shipper: Ottawa, IL Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Consignee: Etobicoke, ON Thursday, November 09, 2006
Commodity: glass
When this load was put on me in Delhi, I only had 17 hours left on my 70, and I needed to be home by November 15th, as Ollie’s Gal was now scheduled for major surgery. Shirley assured me that she would get me into Canada, and out to take 34-reset, and then route me home before 15th. She told me it would be a favor to her if I would take this load into Canada. She had been great at working with me during OG's need for medical care, so I was happy to oblige.
By the time delivery was made in Etobicoke, I had less than one hour left on my 70, and planned to find the nearest truck stop to take 34. After having already sent in my hours, I was still questioned twice about them, and twice I detailed all of the last 7 days. Even after submitting my total hours for the second time, I was given, not just one backhaul, but 2 backhauls to pickup. Both backhauls were supposed to have been picked up on the 7th and delivered to Waterloo, Wisconsin (over 1,000 miles) on the 9th. It was already the 9th, and I could not pick up from either Shipper on Saturday or Sunday, making it impossible to take 34-hour reset before proceeding to Shipper. I had no choice but to continue to both Shippers Thursday afternoon, then take 34-hour reset. By the time I was finished with both pick-ups, I was 10 hours over my 70.
I realize I should have stopped right then, but OG’s medical condition was questionable, and I preferred to be in the States, where she could reach me easily by cell phone, so decided that since I was already over my 70, I would get across the border (30 miles away), so OG could reach me if necessary. Unfortunately, I was detained at the border almost 3 hours, because the shipper had transposed 2 numbers on the paperwork. Probably because of the mix-up, I was also required to be x-rayed. By the time I crossed the border and reached a safe and legal, I was 14 hours over the 70.
After leaving both Shippers I had sent an ETA of 11/11 17:00, and heard nothing back from Shirley. But after 5:00, I received a macro from Extended Shift wanting to know why delivery would be almost 2 days late.
Even after explaining the reason for late delivery to Extended, I was not left alone on my 34. Continue with reading next week.
Reset Hours: 34
Reset in Monroe, MI, with 84.75 HOS – 14.75 over the 70.
Posted by
6:42 PM
Saturday, November 4, 2006
Week 12 - The Indian Givers
Week Ending 11/4/06
Loads Delivered: 1
Total Miles: 3074
* Loaded: 2469
* Empty: 605
Gross Pay: $1,198.86
* Mileage Pay: $1,198.86
* Accessorial:
Hours Logged: 71.25
* Driving: 59.75
* On-Duty: 11.5
$/Hour $16.83
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 0
* @ Customer:
* In Laurinburg:
* Waiting Assignment:
All Hours: 71.25
Actual $/Hour: $16.83
Deadhead: Church Hill, TN Friday, October 27, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Saturday, October 28, 2006
Consignee: LA, CA Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Commodity: glass
When we attempted to reconcile the 10/27 direct deposit (pay period ending 10/21), we found that $142 had been deducted from my check for the 2 pay periods ending 10/7 and 10/14. This was based on a new pay election that was sent to all drivers. We could elect to take an increase in cpm, but would take a reduction in accessorial pay. The new pay election was structured on experience tiers. The cpm would increase from $0.30 cpm, to $0.35 cpm for “Students”, $0.39 for “Trainees”, and $0.40 for experienced Drivers. The announcement stated that the election of the new pay structure was FINAL, and would not be reversed.
The program Ollie’s Gal wrote kept very accurate records of how much the actual cpm was, based on accessorial pay, and I had been averaging $0.37 cpm. She was able to run a comparison of old against new pay election. Under the new pay election I would average $0.34, as a Student, and $0.38 as a Trainee. There had been some confusion when I was hired by Schneider about my experience, but to my knowledge, this had been resolved and I was classified as Experienced with full benefits when the Maverick purchase was complete. Since the new election defined the Students, Trainees and Drivers by time worked, OG sent an email to Shirley asking for clarification of how I was classified. Shirley responded that I was considered a "Driver", so I elected the new plan. Then, with no warning, $0.05 cpm was deducted from my paycheck for the prior two weeks, because according to Derric (Fleet Manager), I had been with the company less than 6 months, so was still considered a Student.
We talked with both Shirley and Derric, and pointed out that I made the election based on wrong information from Shirley. We requested that I be returned to the old pay structure, but of course the election was FINAL. We finally got Derric to look into the initial confusion, and he found that I was hired as a Trainee, and agreed to have the money re-instated at the $0.39 rate. Although this was done on the next check for periods ending 10/7 and 10/14, the difference for the 10/21 period end has never been returned. After 3 attempts we gave up. It was no longer worth our time to try and collect $56, so we just moved on.
The trip to LA was pleasant, and I enjoyed the opportunity to have several days of driving, rather than the multiple stops generally experienced throughout the day. I arrived in LA early, and took 34-reset in CA.
Reset Hours: 34
Reset in Frazier Park, CA, with 65.75 HOS.
Posted by
6:28 PM
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Week 11 - The Unnecessary Drop
Week Ending 10/28/06
Loads Delivered: 1
Total Miles: 1166
* Loaded: 495
* Empty: 671
Gross Pay: $474.74
* Mileage Pay: $454.74
* Accessorial: $20.00
Hours Logged: 28.5
* Driving: 24
* On-Duty: 4.5
$/Hour $16.66
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 5
* @ Customer:
* In Laurinburg: 5
* Waiting Assignment:
All Hours: 33.5
Actual $/Hour: $14.17
Deadhead: Geneva, NY Saturday, October 21, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Monday, October 23, 2006
Consignee: Columbus, OH Monday, October 23, 2006
Drop Trailer: Church Hill, TN Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Commodity: glass
Only 1 load delivered this week. Ollie’s Gal was scheduled for another minor surgical procedure on Thursday. I had requested the time on 10/19, but after the Deadhead from Geneva, that took 1-1/2 days, I waited in LRBG for 5 hours for a load that would get me back home before my 70 ran out. Load to Columbus would do just that.
But after delivering to Columbus, I was instructed to drop trailer in Church Hill, TN. I advised DM that this would be an additional 160 miles and would put me over the 70 by the time I reached home, but I was told they were desperate for trailers in Church Hill, and to make drop. Since it was impossible to take a 34 hour reset and still make it home in time to take OG to hospital Thursday, I continued home after dropping trailer and was 3.25 hours over my 70 by the time I reached home.
On Friday, I was instructed to return to Church Hill and pick up the same empty trailer for deadhead to LRBG.
Arrive Home: Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Leave Home: Friday, October 27, 2006
Hours Home: 65.00
Days Home: 2.71
Posted by
6:23 PM
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Week 10 - The Long Relay
Week Ending 10/21/06
Loads Delivered: 2
Total Miles: 1342
* Loaded: 677
* Empty: 665
Gross Pay: $543.38
* Mileage Pay: $523.38
* Accessorial: $20.00
Hours Logged: 39
* Driving: 30
* On-Duty: 9
$/Hour $13.93
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 3.75
* @ Customer: 3.75
* In Laurinburg:
* Waiting Assignment:
All Hours: 42.75
Actual $/Hour: $12.71
Load 1:
Deadhead: Church Hill, TN Saturday, October 14, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Consignee: Columbus, OH Thursday, October 19, 2006
Commodity: glass
Other than long wait in Church Hill, previously mentioned, this was an uneventful trip.
Load 2:
Deadhead: Columbus, OH Friday, October 20, 2006
Shipper: Bridgeport, WV Friday, October 20, 2006
Relay: Geneva, NY Friday, October 20, 2006
Commodity: glass
This trip went well, but I question the Relay point. The other driver was coming from Bridgeport, CT. If we had relayed in Scranton, PA, it would have shortened my round-trip miles by 114, and not made any difference in his route.
Posted by
1:17 PM
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Week 9 - The Split
Week Ending 10/14/06
Loads Delivered: 3
Total Miles: 2955
* Loaded: 1973
* Empty: 982
Gross Pay: $1,172.45
* Mileage Pay: $1,152.45
* Accessorial: $20.00
Hours Logged: 78.25
* Driving: 63
* On-Duty: 15.25
$/Hour $14.98
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 7.75
* @ Customer: 2
* In Laurinburg: 5.75
* Waiting Assignment:
All Hours: 86
Actual $/Hour: $13.63
Load 1:
Deadhead: Greenville, SC Friday, October 06, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Friday, October 06, 2006
Consignee: Indianapolis, IN Sunday, October 08, 2006
Commodity: Glass
Uneventful trip and short wait in LRBG
Load 2:
Deadhead: Indianapolis, IN Monday, October 09, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Thursday, October 09, 110
Consignee: South Easton, MA Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Commodity: glass
Uneventful trip. I arrived at consignee the night before, but had to wait over an hour the next morning for them to unload, while they finished an in-house meeting.
Load 3:
Deadhead: South Easton, MA Thursday, October 12, 2006
Shipper: Cinnaminson, NJ Thursday, October 12, 2006
Consignee: Church Hill, TN Friday, October 13, 2006
Commodity: glass
There are several problems with this load, that all started with incorrect mileage. To explain how I know this - Ollie’s Gal has purchased routes from Intelliroute (RandMcNally on-line). When she has time to catch up payroll, she checks the miles against those paid, and against the STAA routes (typically 7 - 10% more). The actual empty miles for this trip should have been 280 - not 155, so I arrived at the Shipper late, and sent macro with ETA at consignee 1 hour later than schedule.
When I arrived at the consignee, an hour late, they had not heard anything about a late arrival. Since no one had called to reschedule appointment, I was left to wait until they had an opening. Several hours went by, and I finally called Extended Shift to see if they could do anything to help speed up the process. I explained that I would have to do a split sleeper berth if I was to make it home that night – 1-1/2 hours away. I was told in no uncertain terms that Maverick did not allow splits, and I would have to take my 10 at the consignee's yard, even though I explained I had done many, many, many split sleeper berths just to make on-time deliveries.
I did take a 10 hour sleeper at the consignee, but have not done a split sleeper since. A couple of weeks later a macro was sent reminding drivers that split sleeper berths could be used to help extend the 14-hour day. I question why the split sleeper is OK to make an on-time delivery, but not OK to make it home.
I arrived home Saturday morning with 67 hours logged. Ollie’s Gal was having a minor surgical procedure on Tuesday, so didn’t leave again until Wednesday.
Arrive Home: Saturday, October 14, 2006, 6:00 AM
Leave Home: Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 11:30 AM
Hours Home: 101.50
Days Home: 4.23
Posted by
1:13 PM
Saturday, October 7, 2006
Week 8 - The Coil
Week Ending 10/7/06
Loads Delivered: 3
Total Miles: 2956
* Loaded: 1965
* Empty: 991
Gross Pay: $1,172.84
* Mileage Pay: $1,152.84
* Accessorial: $20.00
Hours Logged: 76.5
* Driving: 60.5
* On-Duty: 16
$/Hour $15.33
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 15.25
* @ Customer: 4
* In Laurinburg: 7.25
* Waiting Assignment: 4
All Hours: 91.75
Actual $/Hour: $12.78
Load 1:
Deadhead: Westville, NJ Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Thursday, September 28, 2006
Consignee: Owatonna, MN Monday, October 02, 2006
Commodity: Glass
Other than long wait in Laurinburg (previously mentioned), this trip went smoothly.
Load 2:
Deadhead: Owatonna, MN Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Shipper: Ottawa, IL Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Consignee: Indianapolis, IN Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Commodity: glass
3 Hour wait for unload.
Load 3:
Deadhead: Indianapolis, IN Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Shipper: Butler, IN Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Consignee: Greenville, SC Thursday, October 05, 2006
Commodity: Coil
The weight of the coil was 36,200. I was taught that anything over 36,000 pounds should not be loaded on a converter unless it spans the 2 hinges (10’ apart). Doing so will cause damage to the aluminum deck supports. When I received the pre-plan, I sent macro that I thought coil may be too heavy for converter, but was told not to worry. Below is a photo of that load. Note how the strap in the foreground is bowed by the weight of the coil:
Here is the damage this load can cause to the converters. This is one of several photos showing this same damage.
Here is what the repairs look like. Note it is starting to crack again:
Had unusually long wait in Indianapolis, and a wait as long in Butler, that caused delivery to be 7 hours late. ETA was changed, but new expressway altered directions, leaving me on a back road that left me no choice but to backup over hills and around tight curves for a half mile, with a double-drop converter. I finally found a local who guided me into the plant, and I made delivery 1 hour late.
From Greenville, I was sent to LRBG to pick-up load for weekend through home. There was only a 3.75 hour wait in LRBG. Shirley does a great job of scheduling home-time. Arrived home at Midnight Friday with 68.25 hours logged.
Arrive LRBG: Friday, October 06, 2006, 1:15 PM
Leave LRBG: Friday, October 06, 2006, 4:00 PM
Hours LRBG: 3.75
Arrive Home: Friday, October 06, 2006, Midnight
Leave Home: Sunday, October 08, 2006, 4:00 PM
Hours Home: 40.00
Days Home: 1.67
Posted by
1:04 PM
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Week 7 - The Midwest Problem ? ?
Week Ending 9/30/06
Loads Delivered: 2
Total Miles: 1659
* Loaded: 1442
* Empty: 217
Gross Pay: $607.70
* Mileage Pay: $497.70
* Accessorial: $110.00
Hours Logged: 42.75
* Driving: 36
* On-Duty: 6.75
$/Hour $14.22
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 0
* @ Customer:
* In Laurinburg:
* Waiting Assignment:
All Hours: 42.75
Actual $/Hour: $14.22
Load 1:
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Thursday, September 21, 2006
Consignee: Indianapolis, IN Sunday, September 24, 2006
Commodity: Glass
Uneventful trip - again short wait in LRBG
Load 2:
Deadhead: Indianapolis, IN Monday, September 25, 2006
Shipper: Ottawa, IL Monday, September 25, 2006
Consignee: Westville, NJ Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Commodity: Glass
From Westville, instructed to DH to LRBG. This was the first long wait I had in LRBG since moving to Shirley’s board. She couldn’t find any loads to the Midwest, but kept the macros coming so I knew what was happening. I arrived home after midnight on Friday with 52.75 hours logged.
Arrive LRBG: Wednesday, September 27, 2006, 9:00 PM
Leave LRBG: Thursday, September 28, 2006, 2:15 PM
Hours LRBG: 17.25
Arrive Home: Friday, September 28, 2006, 12:15 AM
Leave Home: Sunday, October 01, 2006, 9:00 AM
Hours Home: 56.75
Days Home: 2.36
Posted by
12:57 PM
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Week 6 - The Best So Far
Week Ending 9/23/06
Loads Delivered: 2
Total Miles: 1824
* Loaded: 878
* Empty: 946
Gross Pay: $657.20
* Mileage Pay: $547.20
* Accessorial: $110.00
Hours Logged: 52.25
* Driving: 39.75
* On-Duty: 12.5
$/Hour $12.58
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 5.5
* @ Customer:
* In Laurinburg: 3.5
* Waiting Assignment: 2
All Hours: 57.75
Actual $/Hour: $11.38
Load 1:
Deadhead: Goldsboro, NC Friday, September 15, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Friday, September 15, 2006
Consignee: Louisville, KY Monday, September 18, 2006
Commodity: Glass
Trip went very smoothly.
Load 2:
Deadhead: Louisville, KY Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Shipper: Ottawa, IL Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Consignee: Laurinburg, NC Thursday, September 21, 2006
Commodity: Glass
Again a very smooth trip.
This was the best week to-date. Even though the miles were not as high as other weeks, it was nice to have a week with no problems. And, again, Shirley was able to arrange a short wait in Laurinburg, and get me home at a decent time on Friday.
Arrive LRBG: Thursday, September 21, 2006, 7:30 PM
Leave LRBG: Friday, September 22, 2006, 5:30 AM
Hours LRBG: 10 (only sleeper time)
Arrive Home: Friday, September 22, 2006, 3:30 PM
Leave Home: Sunday, September 24, 2006, 12:00 PM
Hours Home: 45.50
Days Home: 1.90
Posted by
12:51 PM
Saturday, September 16, 2006
Week 5 - The 2nd DM
Week Ending 9/16/06
Loads Delivered: 3
Total Miles: 2423
* Loaded: 1860
* Empty: 563
Gross Pay: $831.90
* Mileage Pay: $726.90
* Accessorial: $105.00
Hours Logged: 63.5
* Driving: 47.75
* On-Duty: 15.75
$/Hour $13.10
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 10.75
* @ Customer: 1
* In Laurinburg: 6.25 (over and above 10 hours in sleeper)
* Waiting Assignment: 3.5
All Hours: 74.25
Actual $/Hour: $11.20
Load 1:
Deadhead: Sumter, SC Thursday, September 07, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Thursday, September 07, 2006
Consignee: Indianapolis, IN Monday, September 11, 2006
Commodity: glass
This load was uneventful, other than 18 hour wait in LRBG.
Loads 2-4:
Deadhead: Indianapolis, IN Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Multi-stop Indianapolis, IN: Pickup trailer for relay to St. Louis
Consignee: Relay - St. Louis, MO Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Shipper: Granite City, IL
Commodity: Glass
This was first assignment with new DM, Shirley. There were 3 load changes this day, as Shirley was trying to arrange a relay for a Driver who needed to get home for a family emergency. I immediately liked that about her, and was willing to do whatever it took to help her out. Final change put me in St. Louis, where I relayed and picked up an empty trailer. I was to take the empty trailer to Granite City for load.
Load 5:
Deadhead: Granite City, IL Tuesday, September 12, 2006
MultiLoad: DeWitt, IA Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Shipper: Sterling, IL Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Consignee: Goldsboro, NC Friday, September 15, 2006
Commodity: Radiator
I arrived in Granite City to find this was a “NO LOAD”. Extended instructed me to go to Sterling, IL for load to Goldsboro, NC. On way to Sterling, I was told I needed a different trailer for the load, so was told to go to DeWitt, IA and swap trailers. I had to backtrack 50 miles to accomplish this. There had already been several changes through the day that left me low on fuel, with no Loves or Pilots close. A request for fuel and routing had been sent at 13:42 that was never answered.
At 10:00 PM, I called Extended to request assistance. At first they refused fuel, and instructed me to go 50 miles out of my way, with a load that was already running on a tight delivery schedule. I finally purchased 20 gallons with my own money at a Flying J. Extended sent first a PO to approve, and finally a ComData check. Both came after I had already paid for the fuel. A note here is that when I purchased fuel at an approved Pilot the next day, it was 10 cents a gallon more than what I had purchased the night before at the Flying J.
It wasn't until I received my next paycheck that I found out the repercussions of the ComData check. It was deducted from my paycheck, as an advance - on money I never received. Shirley was very helpful in getting straightened out.
Months later I received a call from the Safety Department about my logs. One of the problems was this evening, when fuel receipts showed a time stamp, but my log showed I was in Sleeper Berth. This was not accurate, as the fuel stamp was derived from the time Extended issued the PO, which was after I had already fueled and gone to sleeper berth.
From Goldsboro, I was assigned a load to pick-up in Laurinburg. I arrived late Friday afternoon, and waited only 5 hours for load. With no hours left on 14, I waited until Saturday to drive home. Arrived home Saturday at 12:30 with 63.5 hours logged.
Arrive LRBG: Friday, September 15, 2006, 5:00 PM
Leave LRBG: Friday, September 15, 2006, 10:00 PM
Hours LRBG: 5
Arrive Home: Saturday, September 16, 2006, 12:30 PM
Leave Home: Monday, September 18, 2006, 1:30 PM
Hours Home: 50.00
Days Home: 2.08
Posted by
12:43 PM
Saturday, September 9, 2006
Week 4 - The Extended Experience
Week Ending 9/9/06
Loads Delivered: 2
Total Miles: 2096
* Loaded: 1179
* Empty: 917
Gross Pay: $718.80
* Mileage Pay: $628.80
* Accessorial: $90.00
Hours Logged: 62.75
* Driving: 48.75
* On-Duty: 14
$/Hour $11.45
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 1.75
* @ Customer: 1.75
* In Laurinburg:
* Waiting Assignment:
All Hours: 64.5
Actual $/Hour: $11.14
Load 1:
Deadhead: Etobicoke, ON Friday, September 01, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Monday, September 04, 2006
Consignee: Butler, PA Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Commodity: Glass
After picking up load in LRBG, I had an airline break during a rainstorm in the Virginia Mountains. I sent macro to Extended Shift at 10:30 pm. I did not hear back until 7:45 the next morning. By that time, I had taken care of myself, by disconnecting trailer, leaving on shoulder and driving tractor 30 miles to truck stop, buying airline, driving back and repairing myself. During this time, I was warned by a highway patrolman that the trailer could only be left at shoulder for an hour before they would have it towed. Since the closest truck stop was 30 miles away, I was able to convince him to give me more time to make repairs.
Load 2:
Deadhead: Butler, PA Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Shipper: Lorain, OH Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Consignee: Sumter, SC Thursday, September 07, 2006
Commodity: Steel Bars
When I received the work assignment for this load, I sent a macro back that there would not be enough time to make on-time delivery without an earlier pickup at shipper. I never heard back, but when I sent ETA on leaving shipper Extended Shift wanted to know why I couldn't make scheduled delivery. I had to refer them back to the macro I had sent earlier advising that there were not enough hours allotted between load and scheduled delivery.
From Sumter I received instructions to DH to LRBG, where I waited 18 hours for a work assignment. I arrived home at midnight with 60.25 hours logged.
Arrive LRBG: Thursday, September 07, 2006, 9:45 PM
Leave LRBG: Friday, September 08, 2006, 4:00 PM
Hours LRBG: 18.25
Arrive Home: Friday, September 08, 2006, Midnight
Leave Home: Monday, September 11, 2006, 10:30 AM
Hours Home: 59.50
Days Home: 2.48
Posted by
12:38 PM
Saturday, September 2, 2006
Week 3 - The Lie
Week Ending 9/2/06
Loads Delivered: 3
Total Miles: 2146
* Loaded: 1403
* Empty: 743
Gross Pay: $788.80
* Mileage Pay: $643.80
* Accessorial: $145.00
Hours Logged: 70.5
* Driving: 53
* On-Duty: 17.5
$/Hour $11.47
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 8.5
* @ Customer: 0.75
* In Laurinburg: 2.5 (over 10-hour sleeper)
* Waiting Assignment: 5.25
All Hours: 79
Actual $/Hour: $10.24
Load 1:
Deadhead: Ravencliff, WV Thursday, August 24, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Thursday, August 24, 2006
Consignee: Indianapolis, IN Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Commodity: Glass
No problems other than previously mentioned wait in LRBG.
Load 2:
Deadhead: Indianapolis, IN Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Shipper: Ottawa, IL Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Consignee: Antwerp, OH Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Commodity: Glass
This was a short trip and went smoothly.
Load 3:
Deadhead: Antwerp, OH Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Shipper: Ottawa, IL Thursday, August 31, 2006
Consignee: Etobicoke, ON Friday, September 01, 2006
Commodity: Glass
I received the Work Assignment for this load at 21:16, with a scheduled time at shipper, (230 miles away) of 18:30 the same day. Pay miles for this load were 772, but actual (using a mapping program) were 844. I was only given 17 hours to load, drive 844 miles and deal with Canada border crossing. In addition, I had to stop at the Gary yard for repairs to coolant system. Even though the border crossing went relatively smoothly, I was still 3 hours late for delivery.
When delivery was complete, I waited 5 hours in Etobicoke before finally receiving work assignment. It was right at 5:00 EST, and I was instructed to DH to Laurinburg. I advised Dave that I only had 15.5 hours left on 70, and LRBG was a 17 hour drive. He told me to get out of Canada and take 34-reset.
This was Labor Day weekend. Home was a 15 hour drive, so I requested to DH home to take 34. Extended (Drew) told me that he had checked with Dave who would not approve. Ollie’s Gal checked into the possibility of meeting me in Wytheville - a 3 hour drive for her, and roughly 12 hours from Etobicoke, but that weekend the area was hosting an annual event, the worlds largest flea market, and hotels had been booked up for close to a year. She made calls to Little Rock, and was finally routed to Tom in Green Bay, who looked at all of the macros and information and granted permission for me to be go home for the weekend.
Later, when I confronted Dave about his refusal to allow me to go home, he denied that he had given Extended those instructions. Either Extended Shift lied, or Dave did. Either way, I now felt the need to keep documentation. That is when Ollie’s Gal added a field for Notes to the program that allows me to track macros, as well.
This incident prompted me to send an email to Steve (VP Logistics), requesting removal from Dave’s board. He forwarded to Dave C., Director of Operations for the Specialized Division, and I was removed from Dave’s board a week later.
I had 69 hours logged when I arrived home for reset.
Arrive Home: Saturday, September 02, 2006
Leave Home: Monday, September 04, 2006
Hours Home: 35.75
Days Home: 1.49
Posted by
5:30 PM
Saturday, August 26, 2006
Week 2 - The Fuel Shortage
Week Ending: 8/26/06
Loads Delivered: 2
Total Miles: 1642
* Loaded: 1104
* Empty: 538
Gross Pay: $602.60
* Mileage Pay: $492.60
* Accessorial: $110.00
Hours Logged: 51.5
* Driving: 41
* On-Duty: 10.5
$/Hour $12.09
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 28
* @ Customer: 19.5
* In Laurinburg:
* Waiting Assignment: 8.5
All Hours: 79.5
Actual $/Hour: $7.83
Load 1:
Deadhead: London, ON Saturday, August 19, 2006
Shipper: Ottawa, IL Sunday, August 20, 2006
Consignee: Etobicoke, ON Monday, August 21, 2006
Commodity: Glass
The weight on this load was 45,082 and limited the amount of fuel I could run with and still pass scales. This created a very real problem getting out of Canada. (See next load.)
This load was completed at noon, and I waited until 4:00 before receiving a work assignment from Dave. When I asked about detention pay, I was told it was not paid for waiting for work assignments, but only at CERTAIN customers that agreed to it in their contracts.
Load 2:
Deadhead: Etobicoke, ON Monday, August 21, 2006
Shipper: Tillsonburg, ON Monday, August 21, 2006
Consignee: Ravencliff, WV Thursday, August 24, 2006
Commodity: Steel Pipe
After receiving work assignment, I drove directly to Tillsonburg, since I needed to be there by 7:30 the next morning. After arriving, I did trip plan, and called Extended Shift to advise that because of prior (heavy) load, I came into Canada with just enough fuel to get me into and out of Canada. With additional 200 miles and heavy load, I would need fuel to get out of Canada. Extended said I needed to talk with Dave the next morning.
Dave told me that if I went through Buffalo, I would have enough fuel to make it out. Since I would have to backtrack 40 miles to London to scale, I convinced him that Monroe, MI was actually closer, but I still didn't think it would be close enough. I knew from experience not to count on the last 50 gallons in a Freightliner.
The scale was 40 miles away, and showed 900# heavy on tandems. Dave told me to move the 5th wheel. I told him that wouldn't solve the problem - that moving 5th wheel affects weight on steering, not the tandems. He disagreed, so I tried anyway. It made the tandem scale worse. So, I returned to Tillsonburg to have the load shifted 2 feet forward. Scaling and returning is now an additional 80 miles, so I called Extended again and told them I would need fuel. They again referred me to Dave.
Again advised Dave that with a heavy load and now another 80 miles for rescaling, I would definitely need fuel. He stated reserves should be sufficient. AGAIN, I disagreed. He wanted an ETA, I told him it would depend on when I ran out of fuel. I ran out of fuel a half hour later at 8:30 AM. The tow truck driver brought fuel, but we couldn't get truck started. It had to be towed to the closest truck stop. It was 1:30 before I was fueled and running again.
The load was already a day late and the size of trailer further complicated delivery. The road, 20 miles back in the West Virginia mountains required an escort. The Escort said he didn't believe they had ever taken a trailer like this one up that road before. The wrong load was put on the wrong trailer. Fortunately I have had experience driving heavy construction equipment in mountainous conditions. On leaving, due to double-drop clearance, I could not make it through the exit, and had to go back through the entrance. Even that was so tight it required a fork lift to move the back end of the trailer over to get out.
At this point I was 5 hours from home, with 6 hours remaining on my 70, and only 4 hours remaining on my 14 for the day. I had been on the road for 9 days with no tools, and only what I could stick into an overnight bag. But I was given a work assignment to DH to LRBG, and be there the next morning at 8:00. I explained that LRBG was 6 to 7 hours from Ravencliff, and would put me over my 70, as well as the 14. Dave told me not to worry, because I would "pick up another 8 at midnight".
I made it into LRBG that night, only to find myself waiting until almost 11:30 AM before I received the first load assignment. The first 2 assignments had schedule deliveries so tight, it would be almost impossible for me to complete 34-hour reset, and both of them would not be ready for several hours, leaving me an even longer wait. Finally on the 3rd try I received a load that had already been loaded, and allowed me 2 days at home. Why wasn't I given that load earlier?
Logged hours by the time I took reset were 80.5.
Arrive LRBG: Thursday, August 24, 2006, 11:30 PM
Leave LRBG: Friday, August 25, 2006, 2:00 PM
Hours LRBG: 14.5
Arrive Home: Friday, August 25, 2006, 9:00 PM
Leave Home: Monday, August 28, 2006, 1:30 PM
Hours Home: 64.50
Days Home: 2.69
Posted by
5:19 PM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Week 1 – The Omen
Week Ending 8/19/06
Loads Delivered: 1
Total Miles: 525
* Loaded: 440
* Empty: 85
Gross Pay: $212.50
* Mileage Pay: $157.50
* Accessorial: $55.00
Hours Logged: 13
* Driving: 10
* On-Duty: 3
* $/Hour $16.35
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 0
* @ Customer: 0
* In Laurinburg: 0
* Waiting Assignment: 0
All Hours: 13
Actual $/Hour: $16.35
Load Details:
Deadhead: Gary, IN Thursday, August 17, 2006
Shipper: Ottawa, IL Thursday, August 17, 2006
Consignee: London, ON Friday, August 18, 2006
Commodity: Glass
My first week with Maverick actually began on August 12th (Saturday), when I made it home sometime after midnight, and parked truck and trailer at a Loves 10 miles from home, where Ollie’s Gal picked me up. Sunday morning I received a call that there had been a hit and run involving my truck.
The load was due in Jeffersonville, IN Monday morning, but I felt the damage to the truck would make it unsafe to continue delivery, since I would be taking it over Jelico Mountain on the TN/KY border with a front end damage. I offered to email photos to Extended Ops, but they weren’t interested in them. They did, however, insist I complete the delivery. When I refused, I was told to drive it to the Pilot station (5 miles away) to make it roadworthy. The mechanic said because of the damage to the front end and steering mechanisms, it couldn't be made roadworthy in time. Extended advised me to leave truck there and contact my DM, Dave, Monday morning.
Monday morning Dave had me leave the trailer at the Pilot for a Relay and drive the truck to the Schneider drop lot in Knoxville 25 miles away. Several weeks later I saw the truck at the Laurinburg yard, where it had been brought with a wrecker. The mechanic was making repairs in the yard, rather than the shop, because the tie rod was in such bad condition, he refused to drive it from said yard to shop (100 yards). But I was forced to drive it 30 miles (5 under a heavy load) by pressure from Extended Ops and Dave. They did not trust my opinion of the condition:

Broken Tie Rod:

I called Dave several times over the next couple of days to remind him the load was still at the Pilot and that I needed a truck. But he did not have any answers for me until Wednesday when he called early afternoon, instructing me to be at the Knoxville bus station by 6:00 pm to catch a bus to the Gary. IN yard, where I would pick up another truck. I questioned if it would not be better to rent a car, so I could load the tools and stuff I was required to carry. He told me not to worry about that because I would be routed immediately home to restock the new truck. In Week 2 you will see that it turned into 9 days, 2 trips to Canada and 10.5 hours over my 70, before I was finally routed home. When I got to the bus station there were no tickets waiting for me. Fortunately I arrived before 5:00 and was able to call Dave about the tickets before he left for the day. He told me hadn't gotten to them.
When I arrived in Gary, I picked up the truck at the Schneider yard. There were no keys, so I had to do creative locksmithing to obtain entry. There was no securement equipment, and Schneider wouldn't even give me water for the radiator. I drove it to the Maverick yard, where I met Steve, the VP of Logistics. After several phone calls, unanswered faxes from Dave, and six hours, Steve was finally able to arrange for me to go back to the Schneider yard to get the securements. By now I had been awake almost 48 hours (have you ever tried to sleep on a bus), and Dave accused me of wasting too much time in the lounge.
Rather than route me home, as promised, he assigned me this load to Ottawa and into Canada. This was my first trip to Canada and the only Canada trip I had no problems.
Posted by
10:36 AM