Planned OG’s surgery as close to Thanksgiving Week as possible, so not as much work would be missed. No loads delivered this week.
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Week 14 - The Reset
Week Ending 11/18/06
Loads Delivered: 3
Total Miles: 1638
* Loaded: 1274
* Empty: 364
Gross Pay: $704.52
* Mileage Pay: $638.82
* Accessorial: $65.70
Hours Logged: 44.75
* Driving: 33.25
* On-Duty: 11.5
$/Hour $15.74
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 1.75
* @ Customer:
* In Laurinburg:
* Waiting Assignment: 1.75
All Hours: 46.5
Actual $/Hour: $15.15
Load 1:
Deadhead: Etobicoke, ON Thursday, November 09, 2006
Shipper: windsor, ON Thursday, November 09, 2006
MultiLoad: mcgregor, ON Thursday, November 09, 2006
Consignee: Relay to Ottawa, IL Saturday, November 11, 2006
Commodity: lumber
While I was in Monroe, on my 34-hour reset, Shirley was off and Dave and Lamar changed the Waterloo delivery to a Relay in Ottawa, IL. Then, between the 2 of them I was sent over 40 Macros through the course of the day. In those 40+ macros, I was sent 4 work assignments, that all required me to leave that day, and none that I could deliver and be home by the 15th for OG’s surgery. Every time, I sent back a message stating that I could nothing, as I was on my 34-reset, and reminding that I needed to be home by the 15th.
The macros started with Lamar at 8:55 in the morning, and didn't quit until 5:02 that evening, when I finally called and requested a supervisor on Extended Shift to find out what part of "I'm on my 34-reset until 7:30 tomorrow morning" does Maverick not understand? He read back through the macros, and finally got me a load that would allow me to finish my 34-reset, make pickup and delivery, and still be home by the 15th.
Load 2:
Shipper: Ottawa, IL Saturday, November 11, 2006
Consignee: Youngsville, NC Sunday, November 12, 2006
Commodity: Glass
Load 3:
Deadhead: Youngsville, NC Monday, November 13, 2006
Shipper: Relay - Laurinburg, NC Monday, November 13, 2006
Consignee: sanford, nc Monday, November 13, 2006
Commodity: steel bars
I could still run 3 days, but was given short run, since no loads were available that would get me home by 15th for OG’s surgery on the 16th. Waited in LRBG until morning of the 14th, when I was sent home.
While in Laurinburg, took truck through shop to see about repairing bumper. Was told they would have to order parts.
HOS Logged: 45.75.
Arrive LRBG: Monday, November 13, 2006 7:00 PM
Leave LRBG: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 9:30 AM
Hours LRBG: 14.5
Arrive Home: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 7:00 PM
Leave Home: Monday, November 27, 2006 8:15 AM
Days Home: 12 – OG’s Surgery and Thanksgiving.
Posted by
3:51 AM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Week 13 - The Lucky 13
Week Ending 11/11/06
Loads Delivered: 2
Total Miles: 3026
* Loaded: 2553
* Empty: 473
Gross Pay: $1,215.14
* Mileage Pay: $1,180.14
* Accessorial: $35.00
Hours Logged: 76.5
* Driving: 58.25
* On-Duty: 18.25
$/Hour $15.88
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 0
* @ Customer:
* In Laurinburg:
* Waiting Assignment:
All Hours: 76.5
Actual $/Hour: $15.88
Load #1
Deadhead: LA, CA Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Shipper: Newman, CA Friday, November 03, 2006
MultiLoad: Laurens, IA Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Consignee: delhi, IA Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Commodity: casting
While on 34-reset in California, had yet another hit and run. I was sleeping and at first thought it was an earthquake. By the time I got out of the truck, the other driver had left. It did not leave the truck undrivable, but missing the front driver side section of the bumper. Remember this, when you see how many times, I took it to Laurinburg, and kept getting told "parts on order" – it was finally repaired on January 19th.
Other than a change in delivery, trip was uneventful, and I again enjoyed the long drive.
Load #2
Deadhead: delhi, IA Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Shipper: Ottawa, IL Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Consignee: Etobicoke, ON Thursday, November 09, 2006
Commodity: glass
When this load was put on me in Delhi, I only had 17 hours left on my 70, and I needed to be home by November 15th, as Ollie’s Gal was now scheduled for major surgery. Shirley assured me that she would get me into Canada, and out to take 34-reset, and then route me home before 15th. She told me it would be a favor to her if I would take this load into Canada. She had been great at working with me during OG's need for medical care, so I was happy to oblige.
By the time delivery was made in Etobicoke, I had less than one hour left on my 70, and planned to find the nearest truck stop to take 34. After having already sent in my hours, I was still questioned twice about them, and twice I detailed all of the last 7 days. Even after submitting my total hours for the second time, I was given, not just one backhaul, but 2 backhauls to pickup. Both backhauls were supposed to have been picked up on the 7th and delivered to Waterloo, Wisconsin (over 1,000 miles) on the 9th. It was already the 9th, and I could not pick up from either Shipper on Saturday or Sunday, making it impossible to take 34-hour reset before proceeding to Shipper. I had no choice but to continue to both Shippers Thursday afternoon, then take 34-hour reset. By the time I was finished with both pick-ups, I was 10 hours over my 70.
I realize I should have stopped right then, but OG’s medical condition was questionable, and I preferred to be in the States, where she could reach me easily by cell phone, so decided that since I was already over my 70, I would get across the border (30 miles away), so OG could reach me if necessary. Unfortunately, I was detained at the border almost 3 hours, because the shipper had transposed 2 numbers on the paperwork. Probably because of the mix-up, I was also required to be x-rayed. By the time I crossed the border and reached a safe and legal, I was 14 hours over the 70.
After leaving both Shippers I had sent an ETA of 11/11 17:00, and heard nothing back from Shirley. But after 5:00, I received a macro from Extended Shift wanting to know why delivery would be almost 2 days late.
Even after explaining the reason for late delivery to Extended, I was not left alone on my 34. Continue with reading next week.
Reset Hours: 34
Reset in Monroe, MI, with 84.75 HOS – 14.75 over the 70.
Posted by
6:42 PM
Saturday, November 4, 2006
Week 12 - The Indian Givers
Week Ending 11/4/06
Loads Delivered: 1
Total Miles: 3074
* Loaded: 2469
* Empty: 605
Gross Pay: $1,198.86
* Mileage Pay: $1,198.86
* Accessorial:
Hours Logged: 71.25
* Driving: 59.75
* On-Duty: 11.5
$/Hour $16.83
Off-Duty - Not Logged: 0
* @ Customer:
* In Laurinburg:
* Waiting Assignment:
All Hours: 71.25
Actual $/Hour: $16.83
Deadhead: Church Hill, TN Friday, October 27, 2006
Shipper: Laurinburg, NC Saturday, October 28, 2006
Consignee: LA, CA Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Commodity: glass
When we attempted to reconcile the 10/27 direct deposit (pay period ending 10/21), we found that $142 had been deducted from my check for the 2 pay periods ending 10/7 and 10/14. This was based on a new pay election that was sent to all drivers. We could elect to take an increase in cpm, but would take a reduction in accessorial pay. The new pay election was structured on experience tiers. The cpm would increase from $0.30 cpm, to $0.35 cpm for “Students”, $0.39 for “Trainees”, and $0.40 for experienced Drivers. The announcement stated that the election of the new pay structure was FINAL, and would not be reversed.
The program Ollie’s Gal wrote kept very accurate records of how much the actual cpm was, based on accessorial pay, and I had been averaging $0.37 cpm. She was able to run a comparison of old against new pay election. Under the new pay election I would average $0.34, as a Student, and $0.38 as a Trainee. There had been some confusion when I was hired by Schneider about my experience, but to my knowledge, this had been resolved and I was classified as Experienced with full benefits when the Maverick purchase was complete. Since the new election defined the Students, Trainees and Drivers by time worked, OG sent an email to Shirley asking for clarification of how I was classified. Shirley responded that I was considered a "Driver", so I elected the new plan. Then, with no warning, $0.05 cpm was deducted from my paycheck for the prior two weeks, because according to Derric (Fleet Manager), I had been with the company less than 6 months, so was still considered a Student.
We talked with both Shirley and Derric, and pointed out that I made the election based on wrong information from Shirley. We requested that I be returned to the old pay structure, but of course the election was FINAL. We finally got Derric to look into the initial confusion, and he found that I was hired as a Trainee, and agreed to have the money re-instated at the $0.39 rate. Although this was done on the next check for periods ending 10/7 and 10/14, the difference for the 10/21 period end has never been returned. After 3 attempts we gave up. It was no longer worth our time to try and collect $56, so we just moved on.
The trip to LA was pleasant, and I enjoyed the opportunity to have several days of driving, rather than the multiple stops generally experienced throughout the day. I arrived in LA early, and took 34-reset in CA.
Reset Hours: 34
Reset in Frazier Park, CA, with 65.75 HOS.
Posted by
6:28 PM